A természetes progeszteron kutatása 1976-ra datálható, melyet egy norvég származású amerikai orvos, nevezetesen Dr. Lee, MD kezdeményezett.
Dr. Lee-nek és a mögötte álló nemzetközi orvos-csoportnak köszönhetően a következő tudományos tanulmányok, állati és klinikai kísérletek igazolják a természetes progeszteron hatékonyságát:
Menopauza és a női hormonális ciklus témában:
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Hormonális egyensúly és más gyakori egészségügyi problémák:
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Hogyan alkalmazzunk progeszteron pótlást:
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Nők és szív és érrendszeri betegségek
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A Hermsmeyer Interjú
3rd International Symposium, Women’s Health and Menopause, Florence, Italy, June 13-16, 1998, Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Science Foundation, Via Appiani, 7, 20121 Milan, Italy.
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Petefészek rák
Rodriques C, Calle EE, Loates RJ, et al. Estrogen replacement therapy and fatal ovarian cancer. American J Eidemiology 141: 828-834, 1995.
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Transzdermális Progeszteron-> Vér és Nyál tesztek
Dollbaum CM, Duwe GF. Absorption of progesterone after topical applications: serum and saliva levels. Presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the American Menopause Society.
Johnson ME, et al. Permeation of steroids through human skin. J Pharmaceutical Sci 84: 1144-1146, 1995.
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Chang K-J, Lee TTY, et al. Influences of percutaneous administration of estradiol and progesterone on human breast epithelial cell cycle in vivo. Fertility and Sterility 63: 785-791, 1995.
Mellrák és progeszteron (I. rész)
(For those who wish to acquire an overview of the apoptosis matter that will be covered in the next issue, I recommend reading the article “To Die or Not to Die” in the January 28, 1998, issue of the JAMA.) (References are listed in order of mention in article.)
Cowan LD, Gordis L, Tonascia JA, Jones GS. Breast cancer incidence in women with a history of progesterone deficiency. Am J Epidemiology 1981;114:209-217.
Zava, David, Personal communication, as yet unpublished. Details coming in future issues.
Hrushesky WJM. Breast cancer, timing of surgery, and the menstrual cycle: Call for prospective trial. J Women’s Health 1996;5:555-566. Mohr PE, Wang DY, Gregory WM, Richards MA, Fentiman IS. Serum progesterone and prognosis in operable breast cancer. British J Cancer 1996;73:1552-1555.
Chang K-J, Lee TTY, Linares-Cruz G, Fournier S, de Lignieres B. Influences of percutaneous administration of estradiol and progesterone on human breast epithelial cell cycle in vivo. Fertility and Sterility 1995;63:785-791.
Mellrák és progeszteron (II. rész)
Cavalieri EL, Stack DE, Devanesan PD, Todorovic R, et al., Molecular origin of cancer: Catechol estrogen-3,4-quinones as endogenous tumor initiators. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. 1997;94:10937-10942.
Chang K-J, Lee TTY, Linares-Cruz G, Fournier S, de Lignieres B. Influences of percutaneous administration of estradiol and progesterone on human breast epithelial cell cycle in vivo. Fertility and Sterility 1995;63:785-791.
Cowan LD, Gordis L, Tonascia JA, Jones GS. Breast cancer incidence in women with a history of progesterone deficiency. Am J Epidemiology 1981;114:209-217.
Darcy KM, Shoemaker SF, Lee PH, Ganis BA, and Margot M. Hydrocortisone and progesterone regulation of the proliferation, morphogenesis, and functional differentiation of normal rat mammary epithelial cells in three dimensional primary culture. J Cellular Physiology 1995;163:365-379.
Formby B and Wiley TS. Progesterone inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells: Inverse effect on expression of p53 and Bcl-2. Sansum Medical Research Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA. Awaiting publication.
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Mohr PE, Wang DY, Gregory WM, Richards MA, Fentiman IS. Serum progesterone and prognosis in operable breast cancer. British J Cancer 1996;73:1552-1555.
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Rodriquez C, Calle EE, Coates RJ, Miracle-McMahill HL, et al. Estrogen replacement therapy and fatal ovarian cancer. Am J Epidemiology 1995;141:828- 835.
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Weinberg RA. How cancer arises. Scientific American, September 1996;pgs 62- 70.
Dr. Zava interjú a szója negative oldaláról
(These references appear in the approximate order they were referred to in the interview.)
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Santell RC, et al. Dietary genistein exerts estrogenic effects upon the uterus, mammary gland and the hypothalamic/pituitary axis in rats. J Nutr 1997 Feb;127(2):263-269.
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Makela, S, et al. Estrogen-specific 17 -hydroxysteroid Oxidoreductase Type I as a Possible Target for the Action of Phytoestrogens. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 208, 51-59, 1995.
Hoffmann R, et al. Interleukin-1beta-induced inhibition of hair growth in vitro is mediated by cyclic AMP. J Invest Dermatol 1997 Jan;108(1):40-42. DTZ: shows genistein inhibits hair growth by 60%.
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Ikeda Y, et al. GABAA receptor stimulation promotes survival of embryonic rat striatal neurons in culture. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 1997 Feb 20;98(2):253-258.
Wan Q, et al. Modulation of GABAA receptor function by tyrosine phosphorylation of beta subunits. J Neurosci 1997 Jul 1;17(13):5062-5069.
Csontsűrűség / Csontritkulás
Christiansen, C, Riis BJ, Nilas L, Rodbro P, “Uncoupling of bone formation and resorption by combined oestrogen and progestagen therapy in postmenopausal osteoporosis,” Lancet 12 October 1985:800-801.
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Dempster DW, Lindsay R, “Pathogenesis of osteoporosis,” Lancet 1993; 341:797- 801.
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Ojasoo T, “Affiliations among steroid receptors as revealed by multivariate analysis of steroid binding data,” J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol 1994; 48:31-46.
Prior JC, “Progesterone as a Bone-Trophic Hormone,” Endocrine Reviews 1990; 11:386-398.
Tamoxifen tanulmányok
The Lancet 11 July 1998; 352: 80-81, 93-97, 98-101, Editorial by Kathleen I. Pritchard, U. of Toronto, Ontario.
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Veronesi U, Maisonneuve P, Costa A, Sacchini V, et al, “Prevention of breast cancer with tamoxifen: preliminary findings from the Italian randomized trial among hysterectomized women,” Lancet 1998;352:93-97.
Az ösztrogén pótlásról
Cummings SR, et al, “Endogenous hormones and the risk of hip and vertebral fractures among older women,” NEJM, 10 Sept 1998; 339: 733-738.
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A prosztata és a hormonok
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Dr. Zava Interjú a tinédzserekről és hormonjaikról
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